Thursday, July 29, 2010

Green Eggs & Ham

Well not quite!
We're getting ready for prime time. Jamie & Co. have indeed been busy putting it all together.
Here's the kitchen cabinets and a view of the siding on the kitchen wall facing into the back yard.
Looking good!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Busy Busy

While BC and I have been here in NYC, Jamie and Co. have been very busy out in Moss Beach. I heard the siding has been delivered. The painting is underway. The kitchen cabinet will be going in soon and I'm waiting for Jamie to send photos! Here's what I have so far...

It's a Wonderful Town!

The rhythm of Bi-Coastal living is quite interesting. When you're there (whichever "there" you're at) the opposite "there" seems to fade away and you get right back into the rhythm of the one you're in. Sort of like..."when you can't be with the one you love, love the one your'e with." At least that's what it feels like for BC and I. Our version of "The Power of NOW." The other recent insight is that neither of us are as resilient (a synonym for young) as we once were in flying the red-eye!
We've been enjoying some wonderful summer fun here in NYC. Here are a few shots that capture it for me. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stilts & Spackle

I took a great video today (not like Hitchcock great!) that I really wanted to attach, unfortunately the attempt was unsuccessful so I'll have to do it the old fashion way with stills and words.
When we walked into the house yesterday we saw what both BC and I thought were crutches. (Too many foot surgeries in my past!). What they were are stilts and the man on them is our painter, Oscar...aka Michaelangelo. He is doing a technique called, Old Style Euro which will make the walls look like old stone. Sort of like buying really expensive jeans with rips in them!
Jamie has laid out the outside deck and we've cleared away the front yard and fence. So lots has been happening and the next phase of transformation is underway.
For me what I'll remember most and hold dearest from this week were BC's words when she walked into the house and said, "It's beyond my expectations!"
Thank you Jamie!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Then and...Now to follow

BC and I are on our way out to our little dream house on Thursday to see first hand what the place looks like now. Seems like Jamie and Co. have been busy putting it all together! I had strict instructions from Jamie "not to peek." Sue and Jane took these photos last week and I had to. I'm happy to share them with you. Stay tuned for the next post...