Friday, June 25, 2010

From the Big House to the Pool House

BC had asked me to do her a favor last week and file papers for her since I was going downtown and wadda ya know there I was in the middle of the "Times Square Bomber" arraignment. Here's a shot of Eyewitness News coverage. The Federal Building (aka "The Big House") is in the background along with the Press Corps.

For those of you unfamiliar with this neighborhood, the Court House/Federal Building is right in the middle of NYC's "Chinatown." Early on in BC's career she had a case defending a Chinese Gang member and every time she had a meeting or asked me to read the transcript we were compelled to eat down there. Our favorite place, Wo Hop. And yes, you go down the stairs into what otherwise would be a basement and there you would indulge in Snails in Blackbean Sauce, Roast Pork and other exotic choices..not BC, me. The place has been here probably over 75 years and hasn't been painted since!

For a completely different POV enjoy the shot of the beach in East Hampton and our little piece of heaven, the "Pool House" at our friend's Phyllis and Iris' house.

So now you know how I spend my summers here in NYC when we do what I call the "From Sea to Shining Sea Tour."

Next Post will be of the Cottage. Lots has been going on there since I came back.
Stay tuned...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jurrasic Park to Concrete Jungle

Since I created this Blog as a way to connect my East Coast peeps to our Wild West adventure I wasn't planning on doing a post from NYC...well surprise-surprise. I had this little epiphany. This blog is about BC&Babs building their Bi-Coastal Dream and our NYC life puts the "BI" in Bi-Coastal! So here it is. For those of you who have never been to NY...I know that's hard for any of us who live here to comprehend, that said, there are a few who can say this. Here are some street scenes that capture the unique madness of this amazing city. Re-entry has been relatively smooth. There are always a few moments when I get back where I turn into as BC calls it, "Little Mrs. Russo" and have to go about the apartment moving this and that an inch here and there. Other than that I am one lucky girl who gets to live La Vida Loca!
I also wanted everyone to meet my beautiful companions in Montara who walked with me in the hills, kissed me every morning and night and generally made me realize, as Elton John sang, "how wonderful life is when you're in the world." Enjoy.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lights, Fireplace...Santa?

Jose, the electrician, his Dad and brother have strung all the wire, placed all the outlets and wired us up. The Fireplace is in. Santa can't be far behind...well at least he'll have a new chimney to hit.

BC came back out here for the Memorial Day holiday and in between running around for the house and making a thousand decisions we managed to take in a Giant's baseball game (my Dad's favorite team), play pick-up sticks and go up to Sebastopol in Sonoma to meet Jamie's Uncle John, a fabulous woodworker. We spent a beautiful day there tooling around the area. I think you'll get a feel from the pictures. While we didn't do a wine crawl we did spend some mooovelous moments with the locals!